Head Shots Matter

A great head shot is an asset.

Whether for professional or personal use, a great head shot communicates credibility, confidence, and competence. It can also convey warmth and trustworthiness, and hint at your style and personality. It is a representation of you.

Nowadays, anywhere you have a profile, particularly online, you will most likely need a head shot. There are two main uses of head shots, professional and personal. The professional arena may include a LinkedIn profile, your company website, conference bios, etc. The personal realm may include other social media profiles such as Facebook, Instagram, and online dating profiles. Some print uses for head shots include business cards and promotional materials.

If you have a great head shot, you're presenting yourself at your best. On the other hand, a poor quality photo, or lack of a photo, does the opposite.

What is a great head shot? There are several good online articles about what makes a great head shot but here's a quick list:

  • looks like you and is current (not taken more than 5 years ago)
  • is clear (not blurry or grainy)
  • does not contain any elements that distract attention away from you (things in the background, loud/crazy patterned clothing)
  • contains your head and shoulders (and not just your head)
  • was taken with only you as the focus (is not a group photo that has been cropped to exclude those around you!)
  • conveys you as credible and personable

Book your head shot with me today.

How it works

Rate: $400 for a one-hour session in studio or outdoors includes 2 retouched photo of your choosing