The “female” face

He brought a mini blackberry pie!!
I provided a purple cabbage.
He chose a lemon.

The “male” face

The lemon and blackberry pie crumbles represent “graying” hair

The “female” face

She brought a tomato
I provided Whole wheat English muffins
She chose dried cherries out of pumpkin spice granola, banana, and dried cranberries.


Back of the fascinator (fancy formal hat)

The “male” face

The “female” face

She brought crackers.
I gave her cheese slices.
She picked a cucumber from the choice of an apple, nectarine, and banana.

The “male” face

The “female” face

He brought leftover pizza.
I gave him two celery stalks.
He picked the purple rainbow carrot from a choice of apple, nectarine, and banana.

The “male” face

David went more 3D with the Satyr's horn,

The “female” face

Kait brought a grapefruit.

The “male” face

I gave her cherry tomatoes and allowed her to pick an item from my pantry: whole raw walnuts

The “female” face

Ebti saw the first plate as a guy, not a lady, so the plate was gender nonconforming. I saw the first plate as a lady but styled a little gender nonconforming. We settled on the first food face being they :)

The “male” face

Ebti shared that she immediately wanted to make the two plates very different. The first using the face on the plate and the second, completely covering it up.

Peter brought watermelon gherkins.
I gave him white mushrooms.
He picked a pluot from two other fruits that I no longer remember!

The “female” face
He brought a mini blackberry pie!!
I provided a purple cabbage.
He chose a lemon.
The “male” face
The lemon and blackberry pie crumbles represent “graying” hair
The “female” face
She brought a tomato
I provided Whole wheat English muffins
She chose dried cherries out of pumpkin spice granola, banana, and dried cranberries.
Back of the fascinator (fancy formal hat)
The “male” face
The “female” face
She brought crackers.
I gave her cheese slices.
She picked a cucumber from the choice of an apple, nectarine, and banana.
The “male” face
The “female” face
He brought leftover pizza.
I gave him two celery stalks.
He picked the purple rainbow carrot from a choice of apple, nectarine, and banana.
The “male” face
David went more 3D with the Satyr's horn,
The “female” face
Kait brought a grapefruit.
The “male” face
I gave her cherry tomatoes and allowed her to pick an item from my pantry: whole raw walnuts
The “female” face
Ebti saw the first plate as a guy, not a lady, so the plate was gender nonconforming. I saw the first plate as a lady but styled a little gender nonconforming. We settled on the first food face being they :)
The “male” face
Ebti shared that she immediately wanted to make the two plates very different. The first using the face on the plate and the second, completely covering it up.
Peter brought watermelon gherkins.
I gave him white mushrooms.
He picked a pluot from two other fruits that I no longer remember!