Maddie's Adoption Center - MAC
Maddie's Adoption Center - MAC
Showing off
Showing off

Introducing a dog to an interested family.

Communicating information
Communicating information
Spectrum of emotions
Spectrum of emotions
Cleaning time
Cleaning time
Find it
Find it

A game volunteers learn to play with dog reactive dogs to distract them from barking at other dogs.

Puppy play group
Puppy play group

Socializing the puppies with each other and humans. Volunteers wear gloves, gowns, and booties to minimize compromising the puppies' sensitive immune systems.

Premium collars
Premium collars

Volunteer training demo with a stuffed toy dog.

Laundry room
Laundry room

Finding clean supplies.

Special diets
Special diets
Separating dogs
Separating dogs
Dog playgroup
Dog playgroup
Going home
Going home
Maddie's Adoption Center - MAC
Showing off
Communicating information
Spectrum of emotions
Cleaning time
Find it
Puppy play group
Premium collars
Laundry room
Special diets
Separating dogs
Dog playgroup
Going home
Maddie's Adoption Center - MAC
Showing off

Introducing a dog to an interested family.

Communicating information
Spectrum of emotions
Cleaning time
Find it

A game volunteers learn to play with dog reactive dogs to distract them from barking at other dogs.

Puppy play group

Socializing the puppies with each other and humans. Volunteers wear gloves, gowns, and booties to minimize compromising the puppies' sensitive immune systems.

Premium collars

Volunteer training demo with a stuffed toy dog.

Laundry room

Finding clean supplies.

Special diets
Separating dogs
Dog playgroup
Going home
show thumbnails